About Us

In 2011, BOXOGEN was founded in Ottawa, Canada, driven by a passion to empower learners. We envisioned a world where self-help, professional development, and training were readily available to all. Our commitment from the outset was to bridge the gap between high-quality solutions and their accessibility to end users.

As the digital landscape continued to evolve, so did we. In 2018, one of our key team members completed a graduate program in entrepreneurship at Queen's University, Canada. A grant from the university allowed us to expand to international markets. This knowledge expansion marked a turning point, enabling us to broaden our expertise into a comprehensive range of products and services.

With a cumulative experience spanning over 25 years, we are proficient in data analytics, product sourcing, and supply chain management. Leveraging the power of Artificial Intelligence, we deliver exceptional results for both our partners and clients.

Our e-commerce journey is marked by continuous growth and innovation. Alongside representing leading brands, we've also launched our own hardware supplies line. Today, you can find our products on major platforms like Amazon and Walmart, as well as our Shopify store. We're grateful for your patronage over the years and look forward to continuing to serve you with excellence.


Email: Info@boxogen.com

Address: Boxogen Inc., 1554 Carling Avenue, Suite 100, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1Z 7M4